
Key Points to Consider when Preparing to Test Military 和 国防 Equipment

im体育APP delivers an extensive range of testing 和 validation services required by defense manufacturers during qualification to help meet the rigorous dem和s of military st和ards. 这些包括 Def st和ard 59-411 和 Mil st和ard 461, as well as more specific aerospace st和ards such as RTCA做- 160 for indirect 和 direct lightning testing. 

国防 products 和 components must undergo the most stringent testing available to ensure that they can be relied upon in even the harshest of environments. im体育APPEMC 和 环境 chambers enable almost any setting to be replicated to subject equipment to extreme conditions including heat, 冷, 灰尘, 和 electrical interference.

To ensure testing runs as smoothly as possible, im体育APP防务专家 have put together a summary of key points manufacturers should consider when preparing to test products or components for the defense market:


1. Have the constraints of the penetration panel been taken into account? 

Providing the grounding/shielding 和 filtering between the EMC test environment 和 the outside world, the penetration panel is a vital consideration when preparing to test. 

This should include, 例如, the position 和 the measurements of the penetration panel to ensure all the necessary cabling 和 wiring will fit through it easily. This will prevent any delays regarding the linking of the test product to the external support equipment. If any cables are an unusual size, it may be worth considering bringing your own penetration panel.

A common mistake is to bring plastic connectors which, as they are ungrounded, can’t be used to connect to the metal connectors on the penetration panel. 

im体育APP can provide measurements in advance for all of its testing chambers 和 the penetration panels, including diagrams for their precise useable areas as they are not all identical. 例如, the EMC Chamber Penetration Panel is 400mm x 400mm x 2mm Aluminium, while the Reverberation Chamber Penetration Panel is 315mm x 315mm x 2mm Aluminium. 

Available diagrams incorporate all the EMC chamber dimensions, including penetration panels 和 a choice of bench dimensions.


2. What support equipment is required? 

When planning to test, it is essential to consider what support equipment will be required. This could be anything needed to operate the EUT, 安装EUT, or provide the ability to function the equipment under test (EUT) remotely if necessary. 

Loads, supplies, 和 signals are all key considerations. If the test subject requires a load for testing, it is important to ensure the dummy loads are suitably set up for the system 和 are prepared 和 ready for when the testing date is confirmed. 

最后, one of the critical pieces of equipment that we frequently see causing delays when preparing to test is the cabling 和 connectors. It is vital to plan what cabling will be required 和 ensure the cables are the appropriate lengths. It is not uncommon for the cables to be too short to run along the front of the test bench 和 reach a breakout panel without stressing any of the cables themselves or the connectors. As a general rule, too long is always better than too short.


3. Have you considered the appropriate power supply 和 connections?

The power supply 和 power connections can both be evaluated before test day to avoid any power-related issues or delays.

Regarding the power connection, providing the power lead is the correct length from the EUT, then a 6mm ring terminal will be the safest option to connect to the filters/ LISNs in the testing chamber. If not, bare wires should be left for trimming to the correct length. The power line length is defined in the test specification.

im体育APP can provide a number of power supplies solutions including, 例如, 高达28 VDC, 115 V 400 Hz AC 和 mains supplies.

For the power supply, it is important to inform im体育APP about the current draw of the EUT, including inrush, to ensure the correct power supply is ready 和 available.

除了, if there is a specific bonding strap required for the product, it is vital that it be brought to the testing laboratories, although alternatives can be provided on the day if required.

For some tests, im体育APP will need to monitor individual power lines next to the EUT. If this is the case, advance notice of whether the power cable is screened/armored should be given.


4. Are the Dwell Times clearly established?

停顿时间, the time spent at each frequency to measure emissions or check for susceptibility, are frequently a cause of delay when testing is about to commence. 

停顿时间 can vary greatly with each specification, 和 it is vital to underst和 what the impact of this might be. This means considering how long your equipment takes to do one complete cycle of functions to enable all potential emissions to be captured or how long it will take to check the whole operating cycle for susceptibility at each frequency. 

When testing to a lot of frequencies, it is important to be aware that the longer the dwell time for each frequency, the longer the overall test. Failure to take the different frequencies into account can lead to testing overrunning 和, on a practical level, may mean the chamber has not been booked for long enough, which could delay testing being completed. 


5. How will the test be monitored? 

Deciding how the test is going to be monitored is often left until the last minute 和 can cause unexpected delays in testing commencing. 因此, it is essential to underst和 what monitoring equipment will be required 和 if the equipment will enable the EUT to be checked for correct operation remotely. 

If video cameras are going to be used, planning their positioning 和 exact angling to ensure suitable viewing should have already been carried out. 

If the electronics are going to be monitored using laptop software, it will be necessary to check in advance that all the appropriate displays or devices required to ensure the monitoring is comprehensive 和 runs smoothly are ready 和 available. 

When carrying out monitoring of the EUT, some tests can be exceptionally long 和 might need to be repeated many times with slightly different parameters. If this is the case, it is worth considering if the EUT can be monitored with software that automatically latches when a failure is detected.



While advanced planning can make a huge difference to how smoothly a test program runs, the reality is that many products will fail the testing the first time around. Building in contingency time to your project timescales is therefore strongly recommended. The goal of testing should always be to pass the first time, much can be learnt from failed test cycles, 和 the key is to ensure that any additional time required is kept to a minimum.  

Thinking about product compliance 和 qualification from day one 和 involving testing experts on projects to give support, 建议, 和 technical expertise can reduce the chances of failure 和 speed up the testing process.

To learn more about testing of products to the required military 和 aerospace st和ards, please 联系 im体育APP的 specialist military 和 aerospace team by emailing 或请求


Military 和 防御测试 St和ards

im体育APP routinely tests to the following common st和ards:

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